Inclusivity in Fortnite Frome

General / 31 July 2023

Recently we were able to enjoy the Frome Festival. This was a full week of local events and activities across Frome, including workshops, music concerts, and sociable events such as the Food Feast. However, whilst we were fortunate to enjoy some of these activities ourselves, we were aware that some of our friends and family we're not able to access these events. There were several reasons for this, including physical mobility difficulties, and mental health difficulties such as anxiety around being in crowds of people. Despite the festival being in July, we also experienced some classic British summer weather, where we had lots of rain during the week. The cost-of-living crisis also meant that ticket prices and transport were also a barrier for some people. Therefore, we wanted to explore a way of delivering a festival that was still by local people, for local people, but could be enjoyed by everyone from the comfort of your home.

The advantage to using a platform like Fortnight is that many accessibility features have already being embedded within the software. When you purchase your tickets to Fortnite Frome, there will be a downloadable accessibility guide with details of all these features and more. This includes help for people with sight or hearing difficulties.

We are aware that some people may not be familiar with the Fortnite platform, or that they may feel less confident around technology in general. There will be a clear and visual, step-by-step guide for setting up and using Fortnite. This is a free platform, and we hope to keep the price of tickets to each virtual venue as low as possible, with options to only visit (and pay for) the venues and events you are interested in.

As this platform is used by older children, there are a range of useful parental controls to help keep young people safe. All the virtual venues within Fortnight Frome will be carefully monitored and moderated, with an easy reporting feature should anyone have any concerns or feel unsafe at any time.

Inclusivity is something that is at the heart of our plans for Fortnite Frome. This includes having a diverse range of artists and speakers exhibiting, so there is something for everyone. If you would like to get involved, or have any further suggestions or comments around inclusivity, please follow us online and get in touch.

Rose Hiron-Grimes

Head of Safety and Inclusivity

Fortnite Frome