Fortnite Frome

So What is Fortnite Frome?

"The metaverse" is a collective virtual shared space, created by the fusion of virtual and physical realities, where users can interact in real-time within a computer-generated environment. It's no big secret that Epic intend for Fortnite to become their version of 'The Metaverse' and they are in an excellent position to make this happen.

Epic are slowly transferring the powers and assets associated with their incredible 'Unreal Engine' platform, and putting them inside the Fortnite Universe.  This means AAA game graphics, huge multiuser universes..

So we have decided to make a virtual festival in Frome.

To do this we need help, technical help for designing the site. We need music and talks and 3d art exhibitions. If fact we can set up large screens to show normal 2d content as well.

FOLLOW our social media and contact us at if you want to join the team.

Safety and Inclusivity In Fortnite Frome

As this is THE most important consideration,Rose has written a preliminary blog about the subject here.

Expect more on this subject as the project progresses. Early days yet