#3 Finding GeminiWoods in Unreal engine

General / 21 September 2023

In this video I continue painting the landscape and modifying the grassmaps in Houdini. We had trees growing in the lakes due to the weight maps so removed these by painting with new layers. Because I'm using Substrate materials in #UE5.3, some #quixel downloads had broken materials but we have mostly fixed this :)

I LOVE the Quixel trees they're making  I can't wait to use them in GeminiWoods any day now. These guys have just gone the full distance, this video is an inspiration for me .. the attention to detail and the love of trees just shines through.

Tried downloading some mythical creatures to replace the 3rd person mannequin but decided against it. I just can't find the character I want so I'll just fly around instead, now I know the scale of Geminiwoods is about right.

Finding GeminiWoods #2

Making Of / 21 September 2023

In the second of our blogs I realised that the weightmaps I'm using could be improved. So spent most of the session inside Houdini playing with Heightmaps..

Towards the end of the session I matched the heightmap up with a real map to help identify the locations a bit more accurately. As of a couple of years ago, you couldn't overlay such a map in Unreal. Not surprising as this would involve rubber sheeting the map over a 3d landscape but we can dream :)

We DO however have Cesium for Unreal which I've spent a lot of time with over the last 3 years. I'd like to see how my landscape sits over the Cesium tiles I expect it will fit 90%, but they haven't yet released the plugin for UE5.3. When they do we'll be covering it.

Another plugin we're waiting for is the Nvidia DLSS3 for UE5.3 as of today still not ready.


The first of my development blogs covering the creation of the GeminiWoods virtual world - "Finding GeminiWoods"

General / 21 September 2023

In this first installment I imported a 10km x 10km landscape created from Lidar data available on the defra website. The data was processed in #Houdini but this work has been documented elsewhere. I will cover the details of Houdini at a later date.

I then sculpt the lakes and use the Unreal Water plugin to create the first roughcut impressions of water bodies. The landscape uses World Partition and Substrate materials and Displacement AND Nanite which are all experimental at the moment and explain why i have had many of the problems that i have had over the years I'm sure :) Perseverance has however paid off.

Finally I added some materials to the landscapes. I should mention at this point my huge appreciation of Undini who just took my understanding of materials in Unreal to a new level. BIG thanks to #Undini. Sadly he appears not to have made any new videos recently but we live in hope :)

I had a LOT of problems with the water plugin over the years, the spline versions seem to damage the landscape material.  This can sometimes be repaired using a full build but not always... so I'm using the custom actor which is a simple plane. This sometimes means I have to build up the surrounding landscape to hide the edges of the plane that protrude beyond the lake but that's ok. 

The Roots of GeminiWoods

Making Of / 20 September 2023

GeminiWoods started for me during lockdown when i found myself so bored that I was playing a computer game called Eurofishing. That's not a criticism of games and certainly not a criticism of the fishing simulation that inspired me to start building a virtual world inside the gaming engine Unreal Engine by Epic.

I found the landscape very immersive and helped save what sanity i had left, during a time when we could not leave the house for any extended time.

When we could go out, I visited a local woodland that came to mean so much to me, and I have photographed it over the years and shared them on Instagram and Facebook. I called them GeminiWoods because one day i wanted to recreate something of their beauty in a virtual environment as Dovetail had on their fishing game.

Unreal Engine is huge, and it has taken a long time and lots of experimentation to get where I am with it now. It will take many more years of learning before I know as much as I would like to know. It progresses and improves so quickly.

This is the first of my Development blogs. Its not supposed to be professional standard, but will i hope be instructional for some, and just nice to look at for others. I hope that people will come and chat to me while I work :)

This is one of my favourite lakes that I am trying to model

Title: Fortnite Frome: Bridging the Gap between Gaming and Community Engagement

General / 04 August 2023

In a digital age where online connections often surpass in-person interactions, fostering local community engagement has never been more critical. Here at GeminiWoods, we've taken an innovative approach to encourage this sense of local connection. We've turned to the world of video games, specifically, the popular game Fortnite, to blend the digital and physical world, giving birth to a project we're proud to call Fortnite Frome.

Fortnite, the brainchild of Epic Games, has attracted millions of players worldwide with its engaging gameplay. By crafting a Fortnite map that mirrors the real-life town of Frome, we will create a digital playground that feels both familiar and exciting for our local players. This initiative is not just about playing a game; it's about using a popular digital platform to stimulate real-world connections and enrich our sense of community.

Leveraging our extensive expertise in 3D visualisation, data analysis, and environmental science, we've been able to produce a strikingly realistic and immersive virtual representation of Frome within Fortnite. Our commitment to utilizing state-of-the-art information technology ensures that every element of the Fortnite Frome project offers an optimal, seamless gaming experience.

Fortnite Frome is more than just a gaming initiative. It's a platform for individuals in our community to connect with each other within an engaging, interactive environment. By leveraging the popularity of video gaming, we have managed to create a potent sense of unity and camaraderie within Frome.

In conclusion, Fortnite Frome epitomizes how creative applications of technology can serve as powerful tools to foster community interaction. Our project stands as a testament to the impact of innovative, outside-the-box thinking and highlights how it can resonate with the digital generation of today.

Keep an eye on our blog as we continue to share our insights and updates about Fortnite Frome and how it's positively impacting our local community, one game at a time.

#GeminiWoods #FortniteFrome #CommunityEngagement #DataVisualization #GamingForGood #GeminiWoods

Inclusivity in Fortnite Frome

General / 31 July 2023

Recently we were able to enjoy the Frome Festival. This was a full week of local events and activities across Frome, including workshops, music concerts, and sociable events such as the Food Feast. However, whilst we were fortunate to enjoy some of these activities ourselves, we were aware that some of our friends and family we're not able to access these events. There were several reasons for this, including physical mobility difficulties, and mental health difficulties such as anxiety around being in crowds of people. Despite the festival being in July, we also experienced some classic British summer weather, where we had lots of rain during the week. The cost-of-living crisis also meant that ticket prices and transport were also a barrier for some people. Therefore, we wanted to explore a way of delivering a festival that was still by local people, for local people, but could be enjoyed by everyone from the comfort of your home.

The advantage to using a platform like Fortnight is that many accessibility features have already being embedded within the software. When you purchase your tickets to Fortnite Frome, there will be a downloadable accessibility guide with details of all these features and more. This includes help for people with sight or hearing difficulties.

We are aware that some people may not be familiar with the Fortnite platform, or that they may feel less confident around technology in general. There will be a clear and visual, step-by-step guide for setting up and using Fortnite. This is a free platform, and we hope to keep the price of tickets to each virtual venue as low as possible, with options to only visit (and pay for) the venues and events you are interested in.

As this platform is used by older children, there are a range of useful parental controls to help keep young people safe. All the virtual venues within Fortnight Frome will be carefully monitored and moderated, with an easy reporting feature should anyone have any concerns or feel unsafe at any time.

Inclusivity is something that is at the heart of our plans for Fortnite Frome. This includes having a diverse range of artists and speakers exhibiting, so there is something for everyone. If you would like to get involved, or have any further suggestions or comments around inclusivity, please follow us online and get in touch.

Rose Hiron-Grimes

Head of Safety and Inclusivity

Fortnite Frome 

Why Gemini Woods is using Twitch to increase public understanding of science and tai chi

Making Of / 04 April 2023

In recent years, the live streaming platform Twitch has exploded in popularity as a platform for video game streaming and esports competitions. However, Twitch has also become a platform for streaming a variety of other content, including science demonstrations and exercise classes such as tai chi. In this blog, we will explore how Gemini Woods plan to use Twitch to increase public understanding of science and tai chi, and how these seemingly disparate topics actually share some surprising similarities.

We intend to use OBS and Adobe Premiere to create our videos, and streams. The animations are made using Unreal Engine.

First, let's talk about science. Twitch offers a unique opportunity for scientists and science communicators to connect with audiences in real time. Rather than simply presenting pre-recorded lectures or demonstrations, scientists can use Twitch to interact with viewers and answer their questions in real time. This not only allows for a more engaging experience, but also helps to demystify science and make it more accessible to the general public.

One scientist who has been successful in using Twitch to communicate science is Danny Anduza streams under the handle Paleontologizing, and his streams cover a variety of Dinosaur related topics, from Archaeopteryx to Zuniceratops. By streaming on Twitch, Dr. Anduza is able to reach a wider audience than he would through traditional academic channels, and he is able to engage with his viewers in a more informal and conversational way.

Now let's talk about tai chi. Tai chi is a traditional Chinese martial art that is often practiced for its health benefits. It involves slow, gentle movements that can improve balance, flexibility, and overall physical health. While tai chi may not seem like an obvious fit for Twitch, it has actually gained a significant following on the platform. Tai chi streamers often incorporate music and meditation into their streams, creating a calming and relaxing experience for viewers.

One tai chi streamer who has gained a following on Twitch is Master Gu, who streams under the handle MasterGuTaiChi. Master Gu is a master of tai chi and qigong, and his streams cover a variety of topics related to these practices. Through his streams, Master Gu is able to introduce viewers to the benefits of tai chi and qigong, and he is able to create a sense of community among his viewers.

So, what do science and tai chi have in common? On the surface, not much. However, both science and tai chi are about understanding the world around us. Science seeks to understand the natural world through observation and experimentation, while tai chi seeks to understand the body and mind through movement and meditation. Both science and tai chi require focus, patience, and a willingness to learn.

Furthermore, both science and tai chi can have positive effects on mental and physical health. Studies have shown that practicing tai chi can improve balance, reduce stress, and even lower blood pressure. Meanwhile, engaging with science can increase critical thinking skills and overall scientific literacy.

In conclusion, Twitch offers a unique platform for science communicators and tai chi practitioners to connect with audiences and increase public understanding of their respective fields. By using Twitch, scientists and tai chi masters can engage with viewers in real time, creating a sense of community and demystifying their practices. And while science and tai chi may seem like very different topics, they both share a common goal: to understand the world around us and improve our lives.